The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱
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推薦大家一本社會科學The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱全書的內容大意
限時特價 The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱曾在博客來網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱 好書推薦 博客來網路書店歡迎您
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱 開箱文 博客來網路書店
內容簡介: This study attempts to analyze systematically the rationale, evolution, and consequences of Chiang Kai-shek's 'unity before resistance' doctrine, which was the basis of Nanking's appeasement policy. The author argues that there were a number of independent variables that influenced Nanking's attitude toward Japan: 1) the internal disintegration of China; 2) factional conflicts within the Kuomintang;3) ineffective administration; 4) the vicissitudes of nationalism; 5) the material backwardness of China; and 6) international mediation. All of these factors were interrelated. The intervening variables were Chiang Kai-shek's personality, his patterns of political behavior, his way of ruling, and his perception of internal and external crises. By adopting the temporary appeasement policy toward Japan, Chiang hoped to gain enough time to consolidate China and his supreme leadership. But Chiang’s appeasement policy in fact engaged his government in two races - one with Japanese aggression and the other with domestic opposition.
作者簡介博客來Ting Shou-chungPh.D. in International Politics, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 1985; MALD, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, 1981; B.A. in Political Science, National Taiwan University, 1976Legislator, Legislative Yuan, Republic博客來網路書局 of China, 1989 – 博客來書店Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Taiwan University Chairman, National Defense Committee, Legislative Yuan, R.博客來網路書店O.CChairman , Economic Committee, Legislative Yuan, R.O.CThe Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: 丁守中 Ting Shou-chung
- 出版社:Airiti Press Inc. 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2012/06/21
- 語言:英文
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱 評比 博客來網路書局
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱推薦,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱討論,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱比較評比,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱開箱文,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱部落客
The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱那裡買,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱價格,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱特賣會,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱評比,The Dilemma of Disintegration- Nationalist China’s Policy Toward Japan, 1931-1937評鑑開箱部落客 推薦
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